Tuesday, March 3, 2009



my laptop is getting worst..haha!!..

i think i'm the only person who got their laptop 30% more before it crushh..
when anybody saw my laptop..most of them will wondering how it became like that...hahah..

its hard for me to xplain too though..
the thing is my laptop became like dat bcoz of my own "kebuasan dan kelalaian tahap cipan" lol ;-P

as usual before going to sleep..i would open my laptop and scrabbles some things
either doing some assignments or works or anything..
when i'm done with my work..i'll put my laptop next to my bed --> really2 next to my bed..
then i'll sleep dgn sgt nyenyaknye..

the next morning..i woke up..for 'subuh'..
take a sit on my bed and turn to take a step..i stand up then..

"craacckkkk!!!!!!" that sound came...

ya Allah!!!! Laptopku...boleh i pegi pijak the only one laptop that i got --> 4 da time being..heheh

after solat..i open to make sure its ok..

hahaha!!! it was crashh...the LCD is broken...
but its nice...nampak cam corak2..unik gituu..lol ;-P

after some times..i can accept the way my laptop is..heheh..
then the other incident happened (xserik2 to become more careful..)

this time..i sleep with my laptop..
the next morning..i wake up..the laptop dah ade kat bawah...
maksudnye..i've kicked my laptop smpai jatuh bawah katil..sengal betol..
bertambah2 grafik yg ade kt screen laptop ni..

hmm...wht ever la kn..
as long as i can still use it..until my duit MARA masuk..


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