Monday, April 6, 2009


saya dalam mood utk berblogging..
tp xtau nak stat..

nvr mind..i'll start with my story bout my actvty just now..
mlm td pegi maen bowling kt danga city mall..
okla..lame dah xmaen..heee..

dan saya ber blog hopping..mengusyar2 mane2 blog yg best..
tibe2 sy terjumpe blog my old friend..highschool friend..we used to be friend
tp xlama..gara2 org lain pye cerita..ngan2 sy2 terpengaruh...dan trus percaya tanpa usul periksa..akhirnya we're end up not-so-closed still berkawan kot (xtau sbb lame sgt dah xjmpe, tp kalau jmpe xkanla xtego kot..)
feeling regret plak bout wht happens..there's always a mistake in our life rite..
for me, we're both made mistakes sbb x open-up and face btul2 the real probs time tu..
she's a nice n gr8 friend..really gr8 one..
nway..its a past time..
just forget it..
i'm just happy for her knowing she's got a gr8 partner and friends around her,
all the best to her and hope she'll get what she want one day.

tomorrow, i've planned to meet with my supervisor..
kalau die ade la kan..

mintak2 ade..

cepatla semua ni berlalu...

Ya Allah..permudahkanlah urusanku..aminnn.

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