Friday, February 24, 2012

no title


i think i want to quit...i'm not good in playing games...

Thursday, February 23, 2012


I made decision a years back to live my life as few regrets as possible. Granted it hasn’t always been easy, but I’ve put on my brave heart and face to tried and stay true to my word. It’s not easy to make major changes and major moves in your life, especially when it involves leaving the ones you love behind. It feels like there are so many reasons not to do something, but the one compelling reason that shouts from your guts, is the one that keeps u going.

Sometimes I’ve been wondering where I would be right now if I’ve made different decisions in my life. If maybe I had stayed with my family all the time, waiting for a good luck to come rolling to me...urghh...or maybe I’ve been better if I had not pursue my masters before but then still it was my dream...To achieve my mission of being an educational person and getting involve in this educational path…

I’ve been having a lot of ‘what if moments’ lately…with the hopes again and again was given to me but then still it turns out like ‘crash!!!’..Thinking what’s the best in your life and was everything you have done worth for u…having this type of life cliché ‘treating the one u love like u want them to treat u’…but then life is always not fair…no more hope...Thing’s always don’t happen the way u want it to be, but when they do, it’s always right on time…. :)

HOPE is the little voice you hear whisper in heart saying ‘maybe’ when it seems the entire world in your mind is shouting ‘no!’….tepuk dada tanya hati or ketuk kepala tanya akal..

They say the people u love the most are also the one who have the ability to hurt u the most. I do experienced this and it’s like a blade straight to the heart...might say luckily I’m still alive...Hmm...But still the most amazing thing is that it doesn’t kill you, as cliché as it sounds, it does only make you stronger.

The hurt and bitterness may linger for a while...Maybe not that ‘a while’...It does takes time, but soon it fades when we ourselves let it go. The longer we hold onto it, the more it eats at the core of our heart and may destroy you...Sometimes we didn’t realize that when one door is closed in front of you, there is still a lot of doors waiting for you to come in and might be a better door and better room for you to be more appreciated and respected.

Of course we do have experienced, learnt few things about people around us in our lifetime. Me myself have learnt that no other living creature can produce as much affection as another person and that almost no other living creature can hurt u more. I’ve learnt that people can be fickle, but then they are also caring.

I’ve learnt that people are cruel, they make mistakes that they sometimes have bad judgment, that they say hurtful things without a second thought, but most importantly, I’ve learnt that people need forgiveness.

People…You can never change the way they feel. Better let them do just what they will. For they will. If you let them steal your heart from you...”  You can’t change them but you can change how you react.

Friday, February 17, 2012


BFF will always stay with us right....insyaAllah..

thank you friend 


Wednesday, February 15, 2012


please help me..

Thursday, February 9, 2012


dont be sad....u r spiderman! 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Sunday, February 5, 2012

Maulidur Rasul 1433H

Malam Isnin subuh yang indah
12 Rabiulawal yg cerah...20 April tahun gajah..
lahirlah zuriat yang sa'adah

Salam Maulidur Rasul 1433H untuk semua...semoga sentiasa mendapat berkat dari Allah..terngiang2 lagu kat atas tu kan...

Rasa best maulud kali ni sbb dpt join event sambutan Maulidur Rasul kt kuching ni..walaupun balik lewat n penat..n singgah mkn kt kedai tgh2 mlm dgn berbaju kurung..huhu
tp rasa best sgt....
thanks to adik fatimah tersayang sebab sudi menemaniku..uhuhuhu....

persembahan  from artis2 abim menyentuh jiwa la jugak...kan imah?..ahaha..
bergenang jugak airmata...dengan lakonan pentomin...nasyid adik2 kecil..
saya xde gmbar nk upload...gmbar n video semua ada ngan Imah...insyaAllah kalo smpat nt mintak ngan cik imah untuk diupload okeh..

ni lah banner event Malam Cinta

Friday, February 3, 2012

siapa kau..


so hr ni hr jumaat...hari y penuh barakah.....aminn.. :)

cantikkan gambar ni...ehehe

bahagia...ungkapan y sering diinginkan dlm hati setiap insan kan..
ak pn sama....emm..bahagiakah anda?...bahagiakah aku?..huhu..

sape xnak bahagia kan...aku pn nak bahagia dlm hidup aku...
tu lah y kita cari dlm hidup kita...
nak bahagia dgn y tersayang (lebih tepat kott....jgn tipu diri sndiri ok :P)
seronok tgk org bahagia dgn org y dia sayang....meanwhile kita sendiri je...huhu
erkk...touching jap..

apabila bahagia menjelma...dugaan pasti menyusul bersama...
bagaimana kita nk bahagia..
adakah dgn menjadi hebat?..
adakah dengan menjadi pandai?..
adakah dengan menjadi cantik?..

semua msti tau jawapannya kan...
jadi lah diri sndiri..kenapa perlu menjadi org lain untuk mengecapi bahagia...
Tuhan nilai kita melalui hati kita...bukan melalui lahiriah yg tersegam indah nampak di mata..
benarlah seorang kawanku pernah berkata....
yg cantik dimata tidak semestinya enak dimiliki..

buatlah sesuatu perkara dengan keikhlasan dalam hati...
menyayangilah dengan seikhlas hati...cintailah seikhlas hati..
dugaan takkan lari dalam hidup kita..
jika dirasa tiada kekuatan...mintalah dgn Tuhanmu...

jika diinginkan seseorang untuk disayangi..mintalah juga dgn Tuhan..
semoga org yg disayangi menyayangi kita sepertimana kita juga menyayanginya...
pokok pangkalnya...jujur,ikhlas dan sabar..

mama dan abah saya selalu pesan..hidup ni biarlah bersederhana....belajar menerima seadanya..
sabar tu adalah resepi hidup....syukur aku dibesarkan dan dididik begini...
being wiser is always better...

hemmm..entri aku kali ni jiwang n skema...uhuk..uhuk..
tp korang tau bakat terpendam aku...
ak nasihat org apa salahnya aku nak nasihat diri sendiri...
wake up call org cakap....
xde org y perfect dlm dunia ni...ak pn sama..
ak byk belajar dr kesilapan....belajar dr experience....
nasihat org xleh blah la org cakap tp dah mmg bakat terpendam aku...hahahha...
xcaye ty aidil...ahakz

bila kita diatas (happy or bahagia or y sewaktu dengannya)...
jgnlah lupa untuk pandang kebawah sbb yg terindah itu kdg2 hanya sementara..
teruskanlah hidupmu dengan penuh ikhlas walau tiada siapa disisi...
Tuhan ada untukmu..

ok...jom lyn lagu bintang kehidupan ;)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

untitled post

assalamualaikum... br pas gayut ngan ummu..
mcm biasa...dia sentiasa bagi semangat ngan aku..syg sgt ngan ummu....
hidup...ada jatuh bangun.....
aku akan redha dengan segala ketentuan Tuhan...
aku akan menerima segalanya dengan ikhlas....walaupun sakitnya Tuhan je tau...
thanks ummu... :')
"hargailah org yg menghargaimu dan cintailah org yg mencintaimu....hati tak boleh dipaksa..."

oh ya...ummu ada tuju lagu ngan aku....nt ak link kan k..
ada masa leh karaoke lagu ni.....

versi lama...biasa lah...old skool..

syg ummu sgt2...pray for me k..

in love

I'm so much in love with


konon2 ni la muka saya time dgr lagu...ecece...haha

her album is in my wish list... :)

tarikh hari ni cantik 1.2.12 ;)